
Archive for February, 2009

In celebration of Hypnobabies offering their products on Amazon, we thought we would do a give away. 

Hypnobabies of course has wonderful products for moms on the Hypnobabies Website

Now 3 different Hypnobabies Sets are available on Amazon as well. 

Hypnobabies Home Study

 Hypnosis for an Easy Pregnancy CD Set

Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula Workbook Plus 5 CDs

Not only can you buy products on Amazon, but you can become an Amazon affiliate and if you refer friends, clients, doulas to buy Hypnobabies products or any other products from Amazon, you can make money!  🙂  You can even make your own store on Amazon

This month we are giving away Hypnosis for an Easy Pregnancy CD Set

The Winner will be announced on March 9th and the last entries will be accepted on Saturday March 7th. 

This set is great for expecting moms, friends of expecting moms (what a great gift to give!) or even doulas who could lend the CD’s to their clients. 

To enter the give away:

In order to enter visit any of the Hypnobabies products at Amazon (links above) or at Hypnobabies and come back and leave a comment about your favorite product.  Or leave a comment about why you want to win Hypnosis for an Easy Pregnancy CD Set

You can earn another entry by blogging about this give away and letting me know, you can either e-mail me at sheridan AT enjoybirth DOT com or leave a comment.

You can earn another entry by adding the Hypnobabies Blog to your RSS and letting me know, you can either e-mail me at sheridan AT enjoybirth DOT com or leave a comment. (What is this?  Here is a great explination in video form.) 

Also if you have used any of Hypnobabies Products you can earn 2 entries by leaving a review on Amazon or on the Hypnobabies Review Blog and let me know you have left a review in the comment section or by e-mailing me!  2 entries for each review left.  🙂

Have fun!

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Consumer Reports has written about some of the problems in America’s maternity care.  Then they made this quiz so you can see how much you know!

Despite growing evidence of harm, many obstetricians and maternity hospitals still overuse high-tech procedures that can mean poorer outcomes for baby and Mom.

When will America start providing the BEST care for moms and their babies?

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Hypnobabies Review

I found this Hypnobabies Review on Review Stream.  I had never heard about this site before. 

(One warning though, there are some ads that pop up and one is “Find Hypnobabies on EBay”  Well, that is never a good idea, as first off Hypnobabies Home Study says on it Not for Resale, but also some moms have bought it on EBay only to get incomplete sets or even worse, incomplete and copied items. )

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Liz’s Hypnobabies Waterbirth

My mom and sister got here just in time to pick up my kids from church (which ended at 2pm). So, though I had the Hypnobabies CD’s playing, I wasn’t listening with headphones, they were in the background while everything was being set up and coordinated. Just after 2pm the tub was full enough for me to get in (which was nice, since I hadn’t been able to get into a deep enough state of hypnosis to not feel the pressure waves).

At about 2:40pm I could tell we were close, so I told someone to get my husband (who had gone downstairs to put a video on for my kids). He and my oldest daughter came up and I pushed a few times, the first time breaking the water, and with the last one his head and body came out at 2:54pm. My mom said she couldn’t tell anything was happening until the last couple of pressure waves when he was actually coming out.

I was quite relaxed and in control. I did feel pain in my hips with each pressure wave for about the last hour, though it wasn’t bad. I just know that if I had put headphones on at the very start I wouldn’t have felt any pain at all. I guess having it at my house, it was hard for me to let go and let other people take care of things, I felt like I had to be involved in all of the setting up and  coordinating of everything. So, of course I can’t complain, it was just over 3 hours from start to
finish and I could have done it again just like that the next day. I didn’t tear at all so the recovery has been really easy. I know that a lot of Hypnobabies suggestions made it go quickly and easily.

I just would suggest two things that I learned. First, you never know how fast it will go and should turn on a cd as soon as anything starts happening (even if it doesn’t turn out to be your birthing
time, it’s good practice). Second, especially if you are birthing at home and are the type of person that has a hard time letting other people be in charge and take care of things for you, headphones are a good way to tune everything out and keep your focus where it should be. I don’t think there is much more preparation I could have done ahead of time, I just needed to let go once my  birthing time started.

I’m sure you all knew these things already, but I thought I would share what I learned.


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Follow up on the VBAC article

Can be found here.  It is another article by the author from the Time magazine.

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VBACs in Time Magazine

I was so excited to see a great article about VBACs and the difficulty some moms have in their choice to have one in a Time Magazine Article.  I have had 2 VBACs and am lucky enough to have a hospital and OB who supports them.  But there are many women out there who do not have that support!

Please go and read this article.

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Expecting Twins?

Here are some tools and inspiration for you!   

Having a natural vaginal birth with twins is possible, here is an amazing video with many moms of multiples who had natural births to inspire you.

Here is another inspirational video from a mom who had a homebirth with her twins. 

Hypnobabies has a wonderful CD with 2 scripts on it for moms of twins. 

Birthing My Twins Naturally-CD

Having Twins..and a vaginal birthing?? (YES YOU CAN!) By popular demand, we have created a CD just for YOU, with 2 tracks to enhance your pregnancy and easy vaginal twin birthing.

Track # 1 – Birthing My Twins Naturally is a deep hypnosis session with many enhancements: bringing your babies’ movements into your hypnosis session as deepening and comfort techniques, suggestions for carrying your twins to full term, and your babies *both* being head down and in the perfect position for an easy, comfortable, vaginal twin birthing. There are many confidence building suggestions and cues for you to use as you prepare for your babies’ entrance into the world, including a visualization of the birth itself, and one for being much more comfortable and relaxed throughout your twin pregnancy.

Track # 2- Twin Birthing Affirmations. This wonderful track has no hypnosis inductions – it was designed for you to be able to play it anytime – in your car, while falling asleep at night, during the day…. at any quiet time. The purpose of affirmations of any kind is to keep positive, affirming statements coming in from the outside, at the same time deep hypnotic suggestions are training your inner mind with a new belief system (track # 1). Affirmations neutralize any negative thoughts, comments or influences that you may be exposed to on a daily basis, allowing your confidence level to increase every day, which is *so* important as you prepare for your babies’ vaginal twin births.

This is also now available as an MP3 download!

Here is a link to a great birth story of a mom who used the Hypnobabies Home Study and had her twins in a hospital

Here is a link to another positive twin hospital birth story too

Hopefully all this information can encourage you to do the research and find a care provider who is supportive of your desires for a natural birth!

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I have been wanting to write and post this for months. This was my 1st pregnancy. I have two older kids through adoption 6 & 3 years old, so I have not had time to post our story until now. David Kai is now 4 months I guess better late then never 🙂

Two weeks before my due date I went to my usual Dr appointment and she had told me I was 90% effaced and station 1 but no dilation. she I needed to start to contract and then the baby would come (she knew I was doing Hypnobabies so I as so surprised she used the word contract)anyway the hospital where we were delivering has a 98% epidural rate and a friend of ours was a pharmacy rep and confirmed this, so I knew it might be a challenge to have natural childbirth but I was up for it.

I left the office and decide to walk before getting my kids from school, I ended up at Costco buying supplies and then I felt totally exhausted, this was on a Tues. Wed eve my hubby and I were watching a movie and I started to get crampy, I went to the bathroom to find the bloody show. I started screaming to my husband, oh no not tonight, I am too tired I need to rest.

He was all excited & we called our doula ( we had two) and she called our 2nd doula she said to try and sleep it could still take a while and to listen to my cds and time contractions and call her when ever we need to. I tried to sleep but contractions kept coming and my husband was sleeping through them. So I had to keep punching in the time on my i-pod ( a very cool stopwatch feature) finally at 5am I feel asleep and woke up to more contractions about 10 minutes apart.

We called our friends to pick up the kids after school so we could labor at home for as long as possible. I tried to rest but was too excited and then the labor stalled for a few hours so I started to clean the house. 3pm our doulas called to check on us, by 11pm contractions were back in full force the doula team arrived. We had candles and our water fountain going, Hypnobabies playing in the background it was really quite relaxing.

By 3Am we headed to the hospital only to be turned away since I was only dilated to a 2 they realized my cervix had scar tissue so the nurse did some sort of ripping at my cervix to get dilation going and sent me home. I refused the sleeping pill they offered and tried to sleep to no avail, I was up all night and by 11AM doulas were back at our house I was getting tired…. but after a few minutes with the doula and my dh massaging my back and feet I was very relaxed at one point you could have asked me if I was at the spa or in labor and I would have said at the spa, the Hypnobabies put me in such a relaxed state it was as if I was having an out of body experience I was so relaxed, I think because I was at home with a GREAT support team!!

We headed back to the hospital by 3PM Friday afternoon hurray!!! I was dilated to a 6 I could get a room. That is when it got difficult all the extra people and so much medical stuff made it more of a challenge but I was determined and doula’s were amazing I could not have done it with out them, they really kept me focused and on track DH was nervous but was so helpful too.

a lot was blurry at this point until they finally told me I won myself a ticket to get a doctor I was fully dilated. Then there was no Doctors available! AHHH I started to panic who will catch this baby? I knew the doula’s could do it, if we needed them too……then we got a doctor

( I am a yoga instructor)

The Dr was a high risk OB who just happened to be a yoga student of mine from my family yoga class. Hurray!! I was so relived, she kept the lights low and our aromatherapy going and soft music on. at this point I did get a bit vocal at the end of every push but it helped me work through the pressure waves and I knew he would slide right out after 40 minutes of pushing David Kai arrived. I was so tired I could not even cry I just was very still watching him. It was amazing, Hypnobabies was wonderful. I felt so relaxed.

Our son did terrific and latched on right away. The following day when they did all his tests, hearing etc… they were amazed at how well he did and I believe it was from the relaxed state that Hypnobabies put me in and the fact that I had no drugs in my body to effect him, the nurses were so shocked to see me walking around all dressed and mobile the next day I felt great!

Thank you Hypnobabies and to my awesome birth team! 🙂

We have quite a few photos we are putting into a slide show I will try and post when it is

done. :):)

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http://birth-joy.blogspot.com/  This is Bonnie’s Blog and this is her amazing story and the power of a women’s body and intuition!

This is what I posted to my Hypnobabies Yahoo group along with their comments at the end.

Talita Pearl was born September 11, 2008, at 3:29 p.m. 6 days after her “guess date.” The labor and birth were not like anything I had visualized or expected, but were exactly what she needed to come into the world safely and healthily.

On September 10, 5 days after my guess date, my water broke around 1 a.m. Since most of my other labors were 4-6 hours long, I was excited because I figured this baby would come before my little boys (ages 5 and 2) woke up. Just what I had visualized and wanted! I woke up DH and together we filled the birth pool, changed the bedding and lit some candles. I wasn’t having any real pressure waves so we both went back to bed. I listened to Birth Day Affirmations, Easy First Stage, Deepening, Hypnotic Childbirth 1 & 2. You get the picture–nothing was happening! No waves and no sleep. Of course, I kept gushing amniotic fluid and pieces of the mucous plug so I was going to the bathroom about every 20 minutes. I kept thinking maybe I should get up and really get labor going so the baby comes before everyone wakes up. However, I was tired and so I just lay there on my left side listening to my HB. Finally at 4:30 a.m. I came up with a plan: I would put on Deepening again and when it ended at 5 a.m. I would automatically wake up (this often happened during the pregnancy) and would get up and really get things going. That would give me 2 hours–that should be enough time before my boys woke up. (So funny in hindsight.)

As soon as the script ended I awoke with a start. I felt like I needed to have a huge bm. That, combined with the adrenaline of my “plan” made me jump out of bed and practically run to the bathroom. As I sat down, waves of nausea came over me at the same time a really strong pressure wave started. I started moaning and grabbed the trash can and put it between my legs just in case I threw up. I was terribly hot and sweaty so I ripped off my shirt and threw it on the floor. Our bathroom door is within reach of the toilet so I grabbed onto the door knob and held onto it for dear life. I was thinking, “Maybe I slept through early labor and this is transition!” Suddenly I felt myself jerk upwards and “thought what just happened?” I finished business and got back in bed telling my DH to go get the throw-up bucket. I was breathing really fast and hard. My DH got the bucket then put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Relax.” It worked immediately. (Yay HB!) My breathing immediately calmed down and I told him what had just happened. It wasn’t until then I realized that I had almost passed out on the john!

I went back to sleep for a couple of hours and at 7 a.m. decided to call my midwife. She came out and checked me. The baby was too high for her to even reach my cervix. (?) At a plus 3 station. I thought it odd since I had carried the baby low all pregnancy and the baby had been engaged for nearly two weeks. She said not to worry, the sac can reseal itself and it could actually be days before I gave birth. She reminded me of the standard things to be careful of when the water breaks and then she went back home.

My DH stayed home from work because we both thought it could happen at anytime. All day long I only had mild crampy sensations. I lay down often to rest and catch up on sleep. I put on HB scripts whenever I would lay down and they helped me relax and get some sleep. I was surprised that it was all happening so slowly. But I was so grateful I wasn’t in the hospital strapped to a fetal monitor being starved “just in case” I needed anesthesia. (Birth story #4)

That night we went to bed just knowing that it would happen once the boys were asleep and the house was quiet. At exactly 12 midnight I awoke to a strong pressure wave. I started watching the clock and realized they were coming about every 5 minutes. Hooray! That lasted about 45 minutes and then the waves started to come less often and not as strong. What??!? However, they kept coming irregularly. I got in the pool at 2 a.m. I listened to HB on my speakers I had set up by the pool and some of Enya’s music. I had always wanted to listen to Carribbean Blue in the middle of the night while laboring peacefully in my birth pool. However, being in the water just didn’t feel right so I got out after an hour. I called my midwife at 3 a.m. to let her know what was happening. I was worried about waking her up too soon, but she was already awake, just lying in bed wondering how I was doing! She arrived by 4 a.m. and checked me. I was only 3 cm. Argh! I kept resting off and on the rest of the morning. Pressure waves continued to be irregular and I would never have two strong waves in a row. I was very perplexed. I had never labored like this before. My DH and midwife were great. They never showed signs of impatience or frustration. I think we all just seemed to know that this was how this labor needed to be for some reason. They alternated rubbing my back and legs during waves and I continued listening to HB scripts. I was actually getting kind of tired of them since I had listened to every one of them at least 3 times! Once my midwife started rubbing the pressure points on my feet and hands to stimulate stronger waves. Even though that didn’t sustain anything, the massage felt great and I couldn’t help but think, “I would never be treated so well in the hospital!” In fact, I knew that had I been in the hospital I would have been started on Pitocin since it had been so long since my waters had broken and since my waves were so mild and erratic. The other odd thing was that laying on my left side seemed to be the best position to bring on pressure waves–more than walking around or sitting on my birth ball. Even in that position, the waves were very manageable and I just breathed deeply through them and used my peace cue.

Finally, at 2 :30 p.m. things suddenly changed. I was lying down on my left side (of course) and the waves started coming close together and very long. My midwife heard me moaning and came in to time them. One was 2 minutes long! At this point all I could think to do was moan really low through each wave. I knew this was transition and I guess I wanted everyone else to know as well, because in between waves I was saying, “I don’t want to do this anymore!” I’m not sure how long that lasted, but suddenly I just couldn’t lay there anymore. My midwife helped me off the bed and I got situated on the birth stool. At this point, my two little boys who had pretty much left me alone most of the day just had to be in my bedroom with me. I think they were a distraction to all of us so I told my DH to take them next door to our neighbors who had agreed to watch them if I had the baby during the middle of the day. I honestly didn’t think that would happen! When DH got back, he sat behind me in the glider chair so he could support me and rub my back. I had a brief rest period where the waves didn’t come as often but they were still pretty intense. After another check my midwife said I was complete, and thus began the pushing stage. I have never pushed so hard and so long except for my first baby. In actuality I pushed for 11 minutes but it felt like an eternity. I was pretty vocal as I pushed, groaning real low in my throat. I couldn’t believe it was so hard to get this baby out. Being my 7th baby, I thought the baby would just kind of shoot out, like my 5th baby had done. Not so! I told my midwife I wanted to feel the baby’s head while still inside me and so when the baby was nearly at the opening I reached down and felt the head. I honestly felt like I was touching part of me–like I had the sensation in my finger and also the baby’s head. It was weird but cool. Then I had to push with all my might for a long period as her head slowly (and I mean slowly) eased out. I felt the ring of fire for what seemed like forever. (But I didn’t tear!) I kept thinking isn’t her head out yet? Finally it was out but the midwives found the cord was around her neck and it was a little tight. She said, “We’ll either have to cut the cord now or you can push right now and get this baby out.” Fortunately the cord was just barely loose enough for her to ease it over the head as I pushed. Again it was agonizingly slow–I felt first the top shoulder come out, then the bottom shoulder and finally the baby was out. My midwife immediately put the baby on my legs face down so any fluid could drain. We discovered the cord was too short to bring the baby to my chest. The baby felt so good–so hot and alive! We rubbed the baby’s back to stimulate breathing, still not knowing if the baby was a girl or boy. I was patient–I wanted the baby to be okay. Finally after about 30 seconds (it seemed more like minutes) we turned the baby over and both my DH and I said together, “IT’S A GIRL!!!!” We were so excited. After 4 boys in a row and knowing this would be our last baby, we were ecstatic!

The midwives suctioned her and actually used the neonatal mask to help get her breathing. She was a little blue but pinked up really fast. She is absolutely perfect and beautiful. Everyone felt her strength and energy as she took her first breath. We knew then that she is a strong and incredible spirit.

A few days after the birth my midwife read the literature on short tight cords and discovered that my birthing time and actual birth were “textbook” for that situation. Slow, easy labors and a longer pushing stage allow the cord to adjust with each wave and each push. Also the best position to use is lying on your left side. Exactly what I had done instinctively! I am totally amazed at nature’s wisdom and how if we just trust our bodies, they know what to do for our babies to be born safely and naturally. I am totally convinced that had I been in a hospital I would have had a C-section. No doctor or nurse-midwife would have “allowed” me to labor so slowly and mildly for 38 hours after my water had broken. They would have used pitocin and that would have put the baby in distress and they would have done the CS. (Birth story#3) I am so grateful for everything I’ve read about natural childbirth and for the Hypnobabies scripts that told me every day of my pregnancy that my body knew how to birth my baby!

That’s a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing!

Congratulations!!! What a wonderful story and testament to birthing!

Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story. I love that you and your midwife were able to stay calm and patient as you had the birth that was best for your baby. That is a great testimonial to the power of a mother’s intuition and the beauty of birth. Your body and baby knew just what they needed! I would love to add your story to my positive birth story site and the Hypnobabies Blog. Please let me know if that is ok. Enjoy your sweet Talita!

My response to Sheridan:
I would love for you to add my story to the sites you mentioned. I’m still in awe whenever I think about her birth. Hypnobabies was so instrumental in helping me to trust in my baby, my body, and the birth process. =)Bonnie

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A 2002 Taiwan study investigating the association between demographic-obstetric factors and perceived labor pain in 90 primiparas having normal births found that their perceived level of pain was related to their expected level of pain. The researchers found no significant association between the pain and newborn birth weight, maternal age, body mass index, confidence in labor or duration of labor. They concluded that the “findings suggest that primiparas’ perceived labor pain is correlated with psychogenic rather than physical factors.”
– Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 18(12):604-09, 2002

This totally supports the idea behind Hypnosis for Childbirth.  Add the powerful tools of Hypnobabies and you have a comfortable birth!  🙂

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